Local Search

Join SurveyLocal CEO At The Collin SBDC Social Media Carnival

By January 26, 2017 No Comments

Join SurveyLocal Founder and CEO Chad Williams as he speaks at the Collin County Social Media Carnival on February 9, 2017!

The Social Media Carnival will give small businesses tips and tricks how to market their business to consumers. Learn the industries most innovative ways on how to market your business, network and connect with other small business owners, and hear some better business practices by  influential members of Dallas’s small business community.

Attendees will get a chance at winning one of three (3) social media consulting projects valued at $2000 each!  

Ready to see a demo? Submit your info below and we will call you right away (during business hours).

If you are not available right now, click the button below to schedule a time with our demo team. It helps if you are in front of a computer so we can do a screen share. Schedule Time